愛染明王  Rāga-rāja

あいぜんみようおう 愛染明王 梵名を、ラーガラーゾヤといいます。

ラーガとは「色に染まる」という意味から、貪欲、かさばり、性欲などをあらわし、「愛染」と漢訳されました。 人を愛するということはすばらしいことです。ところが、これがゆきすぎますと、溺愛、盲愛といわれる愛のむさばりとなり、人を傷つけてしいます。これが煩悩です。







悪しき心を加持して善因へと転換し、衆生に善果を得せしめる。 貪り・怒り・愚かさの三毒の煩悩を打ち砕いて、心を浄化し、浄信(菩提心)を起こさしめる。

衆生の諸々の邪まな心や、驕慢の心を離れさせて、「正見」へと向かわせる。 他人との争いごとの悪縁を断じて、安穏に暮らせるようにする。 諸々の病苦や、天災の苦難を取り除いて、信心する人の天寿を全うさせる。 貧困や飢餓の苦悩を取り除いて、無量の福徳を与える。 悪魔や鬼神・邪神による苦しみや、厄(やく)を払って、安楽に暮らせるようにする。





Aizen Myo The name of Sanskrit is called Lagara Zoya). Raga means "dyed in color" and means greed, bulkiness, sexual desire, etc., and was translated into Chinese as "Aizen". It's great to love people. However, if this goes too far, it becomes a mess of love called doting and blind love, and it hurt people. This is annoying. But why not direct love to more people, to non-human creatures, to the entire planet, rather than just to lovers and families? Small love will develop into dog-like love such as love for humanity and love for the universe, that is, bodhicitta. It is Aizen Myo who gives the power to sublimate "Kleshas" into "Johbodhicitta". Aizen Myo Twelve Great Wishes Furthermore, Aizen Myo is said to have issued twelve vast vows to save all sentient beings from various sufferings, and the contents are as follows. [18] With the bow of wisdom and the arrow of upaya, give love and respect to sentient beings and give good luck. With a bad heart, it turns into a good cause and gives good results to sentient beings. It crushes the anxieties of the three poisons of greed, anger, and stupidity, purifies the mind, and awakens Jyoshin (Bodhicitta). It separates the disturbing hearts and arrogant hearts of sentient beings and heads for "Masami". Break off the bad ties of conflict with others so that you can live in peace. Eliminate various illnesses and the sufferings of natural disasters, and complete the natural life of those who believe. Eliminate the suffering of poverty and hunger and give innumerable virtues. Eliminate the suffering and troubles caused by demons, demons, and evil gods so that you can live comfortably. Prosperity of offspring, rising family luck, protecting the family of believers and bringing happiness. It not only purifies the rewards of the bad karma of the previous life, but also causes the devout to go to paradise after death. Give women good love, make good ties, and give them good children after marriage. Relieving the suffering of a woman's childbirth and devoting herself to her child gives her child good luck and amiability.