四種の呼吸法  Four types of breathing


 瞑想の呼吸法は、四種の呼吸法から成り立つ。  一、長出入息呼吸法  





1 長出大息呼吸法は、出る息、入る息、どちらも、で きるだけ細く長く深く呼吸する。一呼吸に二十秒から三十秒、一分くらい、時 間をかける。  

2の長出息呼吸法は、出る息のみをできるかぎり細く長く吐いて、吸う息は  つうに吸うつうに吸う。

3の反式呼吸法は、ふつうの呼吸とちかって、息を吸うとき、腹部をひっこ め、息を吐くとき、腹部をふくらませる。ちょうど逆になるわけである。

4強短息呼吸法は、「火の呼吸法」とよび、片方の鼻孔を指で押さえて閉 じ、片方の鼻孔で強く短く呼吸する。

Four types of breathing

The meditation breathing method consists of four types of breathing methods

. 1. Long breathing breathing method

2. Nagayama breathing method Third, anti-breathing method

4. Strong and short breathing method (fire breathing method) It is. To briefly explain,

1 The long-breathing breathing method is to breathe as thin, long and deep as possible for both out and in. Take 20 to 30 seconds, 1 minute, or so for each breath. In the long-breathing breathing method of 2, exhale only the exhaled breath as thin and long as possible, and inhale as much as possible. The counter-breathing method of 3 is different from normal breathing, in which the abdomen is retracted when inhaling and the abdomen is inflated when exhaling. It's just the opposite. The 4 strong short breath breathing method is called "fire breathing method", and one nostril is pressed with a finger to close it, and one nostril is used for strong and short breathing.